These homemade vegan donuts will take your morning to another level! Just like the classic donuts you can get in a donut shop, these donuts are soft, fluffy, and lightly fried in oil to make a special breakfast treat.
Making donuts at home isn’t as hard as you might think it is. Simply mix your dough, let it rise, shape it, and let it rise again. Then, the frying!
You don’t even need to “deep fry” donuts – I just shallow fry them in about 1.5″-2″ of oil, in a high-sided pot. Of course, always be very careful when frying anything in hot oil, so you don’t get burned!
Seriously, be careful when frying donuts!
Frying stuff in oil has many risks. Of course, the number one thing is the risk of fire. Always use a high-sided pot when frying, and never fill it with too much oil or with too many things to fry – the oil can boil over. Be careful if you have kids in the house – when my husband was a toddler, he managed to pull a pot of boiling-hot oil onto himself, and had to stay for weeks in the hospital.
Also be aware of pets in your home when you are frying stuff. Actually when I was making the donuts for this recipe, my dog got out and I immediately ran out to get him, completely forgetting the hot oil on the stove (with a donut in it!). He was a new dog to us and hadn’t really bonded with us or his home yet, and the front door had blown open from wind… It only took about 5 minutes to find him and bring him back home, but when I got inside I could smell the donut burning in the hot oil. It was completely black, and it’s possible that even worse things could have happened that day. It was a strong reminder to me to always be extremely careful when frying!
Okay, safety spiel is over! Let’s get fryin’…

We often make donuts on the weekend, as a special treat. In our family, we also make them for Vappu, which is what May Day is called in Finland. They go really well with sima, a Finnish bubbly homemade soda.
- 1 1/2 cup plant milk warm, I use soy milk
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2 1/4 tsp instant yeast
- 1/4 cup vegan butter melted, can sub coconut oil
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 4 1/2 cups flour
- oil for frying
Cinnamon Sugar
- 2/3 cup sugar
- 1 Tbsp ground cinnamon
- Combine all ingredients and knead for 2-3 minutes. Cover dough and let rest until doubled in size, about 20-40 minutes depending on the temperature in your home.
- Punch down dough and roll into a flat rectangle about 1/4" thick. Cut dough into circles using a mug or cut into rectangles using a knife. Place the cut pieces on a lightly floured parchment paper. Cover and let rise again about 20 minutes until nearly doubled in height.
- Heat about 2" of oil in a deep pot. When a water droplet immediately sizzles when you drop it into the oil, it's ready for your donuts. Carefully fry 2-3 donuts at a time, about 2 minutes per side. Drain the donuts on paper towels or in a strainer.
- To coat with sugar or cinnamon sugar, place the donuts in the sugar mix about a minute after they've been fried. If they are too cool, the sugar won't stick.